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08 9242 4751

Open 7:30-4:30pm Mon-Fri / 9-12pm Sat

Visit Our Store59 Howe St, Corner Hutton and Howe Streets, Osborne Park WA 6017

Our Products

3M Sienna High Shine Pad

The high performance floor pads that cut costs, without compromising shine. Not only does it clean and polish marble, terrazzo, plastic and concrete floors to a brilliant gloss finish – it goes on working for THREE TIMES LONGER than existing single-sided high performance floor pads, resulting in significant total cost savings.

Sienna High Shine: For worn and dull floors in poor initial condition. Cleans, conditions and polishes to a medium shine.
Purple High Shine: For floors with medium shine in good initial condition. Cleans and polishes floors to a brilliant gloss finish.
Available in 400mm and 425mm

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