Thanks to its outstandingly powerful 12.5kw side channel blower and its great performances in terms of airflow and waterlift, the model DG VL 125 grants the maximum reliability when the materials that have to be collected occur in big quantities or volumes.
The suction unit is a side channel blower, with direct coupling between the motor and the impeller fan. It is designed without any transmission system, and is therefore silent, totally maintenance free and suitable for continuous duty operations. A pressure relief valve protects the motor, providing additional air for cooling.
The suction inlet is tangential, with an internally welded cyclone that deflects the incoming material. The filter is equipped with a semiautomatic cleaning system handled by the operator. A pneumatic cylinder shakes the star filter by a vertical shaking movement which causes the detachment of dusts and wastes from the filter. This way, the operator will be able to decide without any limits when to turn the vacuum cleaner off and to clean the filter. The vacuum cleaner is equipped with a compressor which guarantees the autonomy of the machine. A vacuum gauge enables to check constantly the state of the filter and detect possible clogging, warning the operator that the filter must be cleaned.
The detachable steel collection tank has a quick release system for the rapid disposal of the sucked material. The vacuum is assembled onto a sturdy steel chassis, and provided with industrial quality wheels, that make it suitable for mobile service even when used on rough surfaces. Equipped with Forklift intakes for easy discharge.