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08 9242 4751

Open 7:30-4:30pm Mon-Fri / 9-12pm Sat

Visit Our Store59 Howe St, Corner Hutton and Howe Streets, Osborne Park WA 6017

Our Products

Kerrick 500mm Whirlaway


Price on Inquiry


  • The 20″ (500mm) Whirlaway makes quick work of moss and grime etc.
  • Works on a number of surfaces including, paving, concrete, sidewalks and tiles without striping or causing damage.
  • The unit has a lightweight polyethylene cover and runs on a hover system with splash protection.
  • It’s a popular surface cleaner for retail outlet and office parking areas, educational facilities, warehouses and factories.
  • Alongside the 18” Whirlaway it’s one of the highest selling surface cleaners to local Australian Councils (and contract cleaners who service the Councils)
  • It’s an easy to use, effective and cost efficient solution to maintaining public areas.